Automatic Blog Post Generation With Generative AI

What is Blog Post Generation and Why Use Generative Models?

Blog post generation is about getting AI to automatically write a blog article for you. Simply give a couple of instructions to the AI and it will write a whole blog post for you that is both relevant and fluent. You can even automatically generate blog posts with the proper HTML or markdown formatting (headings, subheadings, etc.).

Generative models are perfectly suited for this task because they are very good at understanding your requirements and at generating complex content based on this, in many languages. This is pure original content so there is no risk of duplicated content.

For example ask the following: generate a blog article about a text classification API. The AI model could return something like this:

<h1>Text Classification API</h1>
<h2>What is Text Classification?</h2>
<p>Text classification is the process of categorizing a block of text based on one or several labels. Let's say you have the following block of text: Perseverance is just getting started, and already has provided some of the most iconic visuals in space exploration history. It reinforces the remarkable level of engineering and precision that is required to build and fly a vehicle to the Red Planet. Let's also say that you also have the following labels: space, science, and food. Now the question is: which ones of these labels apply best to this block of text? Answer is space and science of course.</p>
<h2>Text Classification with Hugging Face Transformers.</h2>
<p>Hugging Face transformers is an amazing library that has been recently released. It is based on either PyTorch or TensorFlow, depending on the model you're using. Transformers have clearly helped deep learning NLP make great progress in terms of accuracy. However this accuracy improvement comes at a cost: transformers are extremely demanding in terms of resources.</p>

You could also pass specific keywords that you want to be included in your blog article. Or on the contrary you can explicitly specify keywords that you don't want to see in the final blog post.

The length of the article, its structure, and the generated content itself, will radically depend on the instructions you pass to the AI.

LLaMA 3, Mixtral 8x7B and Yi 34B, are advanced generative models that are very good alternatives to GPT-4, GPT-3.5, and ChatGPT, for full blog post generation, without restrictions. These models can adapt to many situations, and behave like real content writers. For advanced use cases, it is possible to fine-tune these models (train them with your own data), which is a great way to perform more advanced article generation that is perfectly tailored to your company or industry.

Automatic blog post generation

Why Use Automatic Blog Post Generation?

Content creation is at the heart of every marketing and SEO strategies today, but producing quality content on a regular basis can be tedious and very costly. Here are a couple of examples about how you could leverage blog post generation:

Feed a Corporate Blog

So many corporate blogs stop being maintained after a couple of articles because it's too much work. This is bad for SEO but it also gives a bad impression to visitors. Thanks to automatic content writing, you can easily write a couple of articles per week in a couple of minutes that rank very well on Google.

Multilingual Marketing

Writing articles in non-English languages is often a good strategy to rank on competitive keywords, but of course writing multilingual content is hard... You can now easily do it thanks to generative models.

Providing Speedy Updates on News or Events

AI can analyze vast amounts of data and sources in real-time, enabling the generation of timely and relevant blog posts about breaking news or recent events. This capability ensures that a blog stays updated with the latest information, keeping its audience informed and engaged.

Generating Personalized Content for Niche Audiences

AI can analyze user data and preferences to create highly personalized blog content tailored for niche audiences, ensuring higher engagement and satisfaction. This capability makes it possible to deliver unique, relevant content to each segment of your audience, fostering a deeper connection and loyalty.

NLP Cloud's Article Generation API

NLP Cloud proposes a generative AI API based on that allows you to write blog posts automatically out of the box. If the base generative models are not enough, you can also fine-tune/train you own generative models on NLP Cloud and automatically deploy the new models to production with only one click.

See the generative AI API endpoint here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is AI blog post generation?

AI blog post generation is the process of using artificial intelligence tools or software to automatically create written content for blogs. These AI systems are trained on vast datasets, enabling them to generate articles that mimic human writing style based on given prompts or topics.

How can I ensure the content generated by AI is unique and plagiarism-free?

To ensure AI-generated content is unique and plagiarism-free, regularly use plagiarism detection software to check the output, and customize prompts or input data to guide the AI towards creating more original content. Additionally, continuously updating and refining the model's training data, and tuning generation parameters like top-p and temperature, can help in minimizing the risk of generating content that closely mirrors existing texts.

Can AI blog post generators mimic different writing styles?

Yes, AI blog post generators can mimic different writing styles by analyzing and learning from a large dataset of text examples in those styles. In general, it is recommended that you fine-tune your own generative model for that.

Can I generate blog articles HTML or markdown format?

Yes, you can generate blog articles in both HTML and Markdown formats.

Can I control the length of the generated article?


Can I force the AI to include specific keywords in the article?

Yes, you can request that the AI include specific keywords in the article by specifying your requirements clearly. However, the AI will attempt to incorporate the keywords in a way that maintains the natural flow and relevance of the content.

Are AI-generated blog posts SEO-friendly?

AI-generated blog posts can be SEO-friendly, as they can incorporate relevant keywords, structured content, and address user search intent effectively. However, it's essential that the content is reviewed and potentially modified by humans to ensure it remains unique, engaging, and compliant with search engines' guidelines against low-effort or duplicative content.

How to evaluate the accuracy of blog post generation?

Automatic article generation is a complex task. We recommend that someone in your teams checks the generated content before posting it online.

What languages does your AI API support for article generation?

We support translation in 200 languages

Can I try your blog post generation API for free?

Yes, like all the models on NLP Cloud, the blog post generation API endpoint can be tested for free

How does your AI API handle data privacy and security during the blog post generation process?

NLP Cloud is focused on data privacy by design: we do not log or store the content of the requests you make on our API. NLP Cloud is both HIPAA and GDPR compliant.